Saturday, August 19, 2006


Ok Phil and Eric...ill post becuase today i dont have football. This past week i have had football from 7 in the morning til 8 at night. We have offence practices in the morning with the awesome coach Wentzel! Then we have a break which includes us eating our lunches and looking at the wonderful chearleaders. After our break we had a defence practice with the coach that everone thinks is gay...Coach E. I dont think hes gay but everyone seems to think otherwise. After we have dinner and then again watch the Chearleaders do their dances with the gay dude who helps them. Then once our break is over we have either a weightlifting or special teams practice. After either one of those we go home shower and go to sleep. Then we do the same thing over again tommorow. Football sucks!

Friday, August 11, 2006

hey guys

I have just became a member of the blogger community. If you havent noticed they call me the cougar. Dont worry the cougars got your back!


hey guys!