Thursday, April 05, 2007


Last night me, gu, ian, and cam went to bowl and soon realized that there was a special that night. It was bowl from now until 12 for only $5. During our first game when we heard some heavy metal blast through the speakers and thought it was going to only be for one song. WE GUESSED WRONG. The entire night some goths next to us decided to waste their money just to annoy the people around them. We soon got yelled at for telling them that there music sucked. Pretty soon we were all going out of our minds but we still had fun bowling lefty and in Ian's case accidentallybowled into someones other lane. Best Quotes of the night goes to Killa Cam, "This music wants to make me beat my wife!"


Cam said...

the music doesn't want to make me do anything. The music makes me want to do something. It's ok

wildnis said...

Dear Kenny,

it sure would be nice if you could give me a link back to my website - especially as long as you use my cougar pictures!

Please be aware that ALL my images are copyright protected - as long as you link back to you will be fine to use them - without the link it is copyright infringement.

It sure would be fair!

wildnis said...
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kenny 'the cougar' said...

who are you

Cam said...

kenny, your using his cougar pictures, so just put a link to his site, its no big deal.

Cam said...

kenny, just put this in your links., your luckey he's being nice about it, he could try to file a lawsuit because your puting pictures up that are his.

kenny 'the cougar' said...

cam you need to take it eeeeaaaassssyyyyyy, i already did.

wildnis said...


the link you using is not linked.
be aware of a copyright infringement case which could cost you up to 150000 US$.
Don't blame us for - we tried but it seems you just ignore the fact that the pictures are stolen.